Parlec features the largest range of tapping solutions, including rigid, tension only, and tension and compression systems along with coolant and coolant groove adapters.
Tension & compression tapping heads have been the main stay of machine tool tapping for many years. Parlec offers a wide range and style of these heads, including Numertap® and Bilz style. Available from #6 to 1 5/8” Hand and 1/16” to 1 1/4” Pipe.
Numertap® 770
- Large work range eliminates the need to purchase multiple units.
- Short projection maximizes workpiece size.
- Adjustable compression stroke ensures accurate
depth control.
- Free-floating tension stroke ensures thread size and quality.
- Through-spindle coolant option gets coolant into the hole and flushes chips.
- Rugged alloy steel construction for long
trouble-free service life.
- Radial float improves thread quality and tap life.